

Translation service provided on 17 and 18 September from English to Italian, Spanish and German

Translation not provided on 16, 19 and 20 September

Pre Congress Workshops

Monday, 16 September 2024

1 - Ultrasonography in Bovine limbs J. Kofler, J. Laschinger, K. Nuss

Registration available onsite

Lectures and Wet lab at Clinical room of Agripolis, Legnaro, Padova (University of Padova)

7:30 Departure from Tronchetto by bus - Arrival at 8:30
8:30 Registration  
8:45 Welcome and introduction  
Ultrasonographic examination and findings in the digital, carpal, elbow and shoulder region in cattle
Ultrasonographic examination and findings in the tarsal, stifle, coxofemoral region and in tendon, muscle, and bone lesions in
10:30 Coffee break  
  Team 1 Team 2 Team 3
Ultrasonography of the digital joints, digital flexor tendon sheath, and claw sole
Ultrasonography of the carpal, elbow, and shoulder region
Ultrasonography of the tarsal, stifle, and coxofemoral region
12:30 Lunch break  
  Team 1 Team 2
Team 3
Ultrasonography of the tarsal, stifle, and coxofemoral region
Ultrasonography of the digital joints, digital flexor tendon sheath, and claw sole
Ultrasonography of the carpal, elbow, and shoulder region
15:30 Coffee break  
  Team 1 Team 2 Team 3
Ultrasonography of the carpal, elbow, and shoulder region
Ultrasonography of the tarsal, stifle, and coxofemoral region
Ultrasonography of the digital joints, digital flexor tendon sheath, and claw sole
17:30 Round table  
18:00 End of the workshop  
18:15 Return to Venice by bus – Estimated arrival at 19:00  

2 - The most common surgical procedures that can be done in the field A. Desrochers, A. Starke

Sold out

Lectures at Corte Benedettina - Legnaro, Padova.
Wet lab at Anatomical room of Agripolis, Legnaro, Padova (University of Padova)

7:30 Departure from Tronchetto by bus - Arrival at 8:30
8:30 Registration  
8:45 Welcome and introduction  
Clinical presentation and diagnosis of surgical condition of the foot
Anesthesia, pain management and amputation cattle
10:30 Coffee break
Resection of the DIP, PIP, tendon sheath drainage and tenectomy
Joint tap on cadaver limbs. Anesthesia on a live cow (IV under tourniquet and 4 point digital block)
12:30 Lunch break
Surgical procedures (pratical activities):
Joint resection, solar approach, with tenectomy
All speakers
15:30 Coffee break
Joint resection, bulbar/horizontal approach
Facilitated ankylosis with abaxial approach
Tenosynovitis drainage
All speakers
17:30 Round table - All speakers
18:00 End of the workshop
18:15 Return to Venice by bus – Estimated arrival at 19:00

3 - Assessment of environmental risk factors in dairy farms and their impact on the incidence of lameness N.B. Cook, G. Cramer, H. McConochie (Zinpro), M.L. Ocana (Zinpro)

Sold out

Società Agricola San Giovanni Via Chiesa Rampazzo 47, Camisano Vicentino (Vicenza)

7:30 Departure from Tronchetto by bus at 7:30 am by bus - Arrival at 8:45 am   
   Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4
8:45  Welcome and introduction      
9:00 - 9:45
Freestall and flooring assessment to combat ulcers and white line lesions
Nigel Cook
Freestall and flooring assessment to combat ulcers and white line lesions
Nigel Cook
Hoof trimming as a time to collect lameness data and understand herd problems
Gerard Cramer
FirstStep and Transition
Marie-Laure Ocaña, Huw McConochie - Zinpro – Zinpro
9:50 - 10:35
Airspeed mapping and ventilation assessment to minimize heat stress
Nigel Cook
Airspeed mapping and ventilation assessment to minimize heat stress
Nigel Cook
FirstStep and Transition
Marie-Laure Ocaña, Huw McConochie - Zinpro – Zinpro
Hoof trimming as a time to collect lameness data and understand herd problems
Gerard Cramer
10:40 Coffee break kindly offered by Lattebusche   
11:10 - 11:55
Hoof trimming as a time to collect lameness data and understand herd problems
Gerard Cramer
FirstStep and Transition
Marie-Laure Ocaña, Huw McConochie - Zinpro – Zinpro
Freestall and flooring assessment to combat ulcers and white line lesions
Nigel Cook
Freestall and flooring assessment to combat ulcers and white line lesions
Nigel Cook
12:00 - 12:45
FirstStep and Transition
Marie-Laure Ocaña, Huw McConochie - Zinpro – Zinpro
Hoof trimming as a time to collect lameness data and understand herd problems
Gerard Cramer
Airspeed mapping and ventilation assessment to minimize heat stress
Nigel Cook
Airspeed mapping and ventilation assessment to minimize heat stress
Nigel Cook
12:50 - 13:20 Round table   
13:30 Lunch break kindly offered by Zinpro    
15:00 Return to Venice by bus – Estimated arrival at 16:15   

Main Congress

7:30 Registration
Welcome and opening
Matteo Gianesella, President of the School of Agriculture Sciences and Veterinary Medicine - University of Padua, Italy
Arcangelo Gentile, President of The World Association for Buiatrics
Presentation in memory of the dear friend and colleague David Weaver
Roger Blowey
1972: when it all began and what no one ever told you
Carlo Maria Mortellaro
A.D. 2024: what we know and what we don’t know about Digital Dermatitis
Stuart Carter
10:35 Coffee break and Exhibition
Microbiota, Microbiome, Metagenomics. The 3 M to better control Digital Dermatitis in the near future. A dream or a nightmare?
George Oikonomou
Moving ahead of DD with systematic prevention, control and AI detection
Dörte Döpfer
12:45 Lunch break and Exhibition
Digital Dermatitis and footbaths: marketing strategies with a view to environmental conservation
Gianluca Scacco
Lameness in beef cattle: not just Digital Dermatitis! The situation in America and first Italian experiences
Chris Ashworth, Carlo M. Mortellaro
The challenge of animal transport - what are the current EU regulations?
Kathrin Herzog
16:15 Coffee break and Exhibition
Infectious and orthopedic diseases in small ruminants
David Devaux, Adrian Steiner
Lameness in dairy cattle: reasons beyond claws and digits
Johann Kofler, Karl Nuss
18:15 Adjourn
18:30 Welcome reception – Boat tour in the Venetian Lagoon
7:30 Registration
  Room Auditorium


Looking at their feet: a long and ongoing journey towards understanding lameness
Christoph K. W. Mülling
What are the feet made for and what can we do about it? Aspects of flooring and trimming
Evgenij Telezhenko
A scientific approach to assessing the state of our knowledge about hoof-trimming techniques
Gerard Cramer
10:45 Coffee break and Exhibition
Is mobility scoring the solution? When, what and how of detecting lameness
Laura Randall
Practical therapy of foot lesions: less reliance on antibiotics and greater attention to pain management for improved animal welfare
Jan Shearer
12:45 Lunch break and Exhibition
14:00 Poster session
Lameness in ruminants - The history of our Conference
Roger Blowey
2024: Nutritional challenges and lameness management for dairy cows in a changing climate
Arturo Gomez
15:45 Coffee break and Exhibition


Working on cooling and on environmental risk factors to reduce lameness related to heat stress in dairy cows
Nigel B. Cook
Last cow in the crush…is the work ending or starting? From claw trimming to identifying the herd problem: working with data
 Andrea Casellato 
17:45 Business meeting
18:15 Adjourn
20:00 Gala Dinner at Oficine 800 – Giudecca Island
7:30 Registration
  Room Auditorium


Bacterial communities in foot rot and digital dermatitis lesions in feedlot cattle
Karin Orsel
Longitudinal bacterial dynamics during the onset of digital dermatitis lesions of dairy cattle
Karin Orsel
Behind the scenes of digital dermatitis-lesion scoring: systematic analysis of histopathological findings in different macroscopically scored M-stages
Katharina Grimm
Nociceptive thresholds associated with digital dermatitis M-stage lesions in dairy cows
Giorgia Fabbri
The use of vision technology for screening herds for digital dermatitis
Nicholas Bell
Controlling digital dermatitis on dairy herds through motivational interviewing – A case study
Arne Vanhoudt
Effect of postbiotic saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product on experimentally induced digital dermatitis infections in Holstein Friesian Steers
Dörte Döpfer
A randomised controlled trial of a liquid barrier product in the treatment of digital dermatitis
Josh Swain
Preliminary results from a randomised controlled trial investigating the effect of dry cow footbaths on the prevalence of digital dermatitis post calving
Alkiviadis Anagnostopoulos
10:45 Coffee break and Exhibition
Evaluation of footbath with Hoofcare® 10% as a curative measure for digital dermatitis in dairy cows
Ana Paula Abreu Mendonça
Comparison of a phytogenic product and formalin in a split-footbath study to control digital dermatitis in dairy cattle
Arne Vanhoudt
Association between a genetic index for digital dermatitis resistance and digital dermatitis incidence in a population of Holstein Maiden Heifers
Alkiviadis Anagnostopoulos
Unveiling novel treponema genomospecies in pododermatitis: insights from metagenomic analysis of elk, implications for disease surveillance and beyond
Devendra Shah
Investigating the role of long noncoding rnas on claw horn disruption lesions susceptibility in dairy cattle
Androniki Psifidi
The UK hoof health registry: establishing better genetic evaluations for lameness traits in uk dairy cows
James Wilson
Bridging the research-practice gap in lameness: a multistakeholder view to inform knowledge uptake
Laura Solano
13:00 Lunch break and Exhibition
Longitudinal survey of clinically lame cows
Reginald Chesterton
Repeatability of herd lameness scoring: a New Zealand perspective
Richard A Laven
An update on lameness on New Zealand dairy farms
Winston Mason
How common is super foot rot in cattle? An online survey of French rural Vets in 2022
Anne Relun
Prevalence of foot lesions in French young bulls at the end of the fattening period: a study in slaughterhouses
Sarah Ishak
Prevalence and distribution of hoof lesions in Sicilian dairy farms adopting regular foot trimming. A retrospective observational study (2016-2020)
Giovanni Capuzzello
Prevalence of lameness and hock injuries in intensive Iranian dairy cattle farms
Ali Jafari Ghavamabad
16:00 Coffee break and Exhibition
In vitro efficacy of chelated copper against anaerobic bacteria associated with hoof diseases
Gerwen Lammers
Injuries and damage during claw trimming and treatment in cattle
Fanny Rachidi
Unification of criteria for the identification of hoof lesions and their severity for national data collection in Spain
Marc Pineda Balsells
17:15 End of the Conference
7:30 Registration
  Room Carnival


Measurement of joint angles for the objective assessment of limb conformation in dairy calves
Karl Nuss
Changes in limb and upper body kinematics in dairy cows with clinical hindlimb lameness
Anna Leclercq
Hind feet position score: is it a reliable indicator for claw health?
Alexandra Hund
Pilot implementation of a targeted bovine digital dermatitis control program on Swiss dairy farms
Jim Weber
Acetabular fractures in cattle – Clinical examination, diagnostic imaging, therapy and prognosis
Robin Naef
Diagnosis of coxofemoral luxation (dislocated hip) in downer cattle
Rahel Rediger
Pathological changes in front medial corkscrew claws – Pilot study
Nynne Capion
Evaluation of “In-Parlor Scoring” (IPS) to detect lameness in dairy cows
Jasmin Laschinger
A three-point locomotionscore developed for practical relevance showing high validity and reliability
Isabella Lorenzini
10:45 Coffee break and Exhibition
Interobserver agreement of locomotion scores among experienced and unexperienced assessors
Viktor Jurkovich
Assessment of an automated lameness detection system’s accuracy in identifying cows with foot lesions
Nektarios Siachos
Cattle lameness detection using a diagnostic system based on artifical intelligence and video image analysis
Viktor Jurkovich
Benchmarking claw health using claw health indicators
Johann Kofler
Improving claw health together
Frida Åkerström
Is lameness prevalence an indicator for dairy herd health?
Katharina Charlotte Jensen
Inter-observer agreement between veterinarians and hoof-trimmers in recognising and grading bovine hoof lesions
Anne Relun
13:00 Lunch break and Exhibition
Effect of lameness and energy status on uterine involution and resumption of ovarian cyclicity in Holstein cows
Georgios Tsousis
The effect of a first occurrence of digital dermatitis in early lactation on culling and pregnancy in dairy cows
Gerard Cramer
Preliminary results from a randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effect of foot trimming technique before first calving on the risk of claw horn lesions in early lactation
Sara Pedersen
The effect of trimming on rumination, eating and activity in dairy cows
Miel Hostens
Evaluating the impact of mid-lactation hoof trimming on first lactation dairy cows
Gerard Cramer
The effect of meloxicam at the time of treatment of claw-horn lameness in dairy cattle on time to lameness cure, pregnancy risk and time to conception
Winston Mason
Treatment incidence of three major lesions causing lameness in twenty-seven gb dairy herds
Nicholas Bell
16:00 Coffee break and Exhibition
16:30 End of the Conference

Post Congress Course

Friday, 20 September 2024

Hoof trimming and beyond…: practical day on a dairy farm

Registration available onsite

Venturin Brothers’ Farm
Via Risorgimento 6, Visnadello di Spresiano (Treviso)

In Collaboration with A.P.I.B. (Italian Association of Bovine Podiatrists)

Speakers: N. Bell, G. Cramer, D. Dopfer, A. Fiedler, K. Grimm, C. Kröger, L. Randall, I. Riviera, C. Sossi, D. Zalduendo

7:30  Departure from Tronchetto by bus - Arrival at 9:00
   Group 1  Group 2  Group 3  Group 4  Group 5  Group 6
Standardisation of Mobility Scoring
Laura Randall, Nick Bell
Cattle handling and optimal cow flow: identify the best strategy in each farm
Irene Riviera, Cristian Sossi
Hoof trimming: comparison between techniques
Gerard Cramer
Monitoring heifers to prevent lameness and have healthy feet in adult cows
Andrea Fiedler, Katharina Grimm, Charlotte Kröger
Preventing injuries in hoof trimming: the importance of Ergonomics
Daniel Zalduendo, Eki González
Digital Dermatitis: AI-enhanced detection model, mobile phone apps for detection, prevention and control
Dorte Dopfer
Cattle handling and optimal cow flow: identify the best strategy in each farm
Irene Riviera, Cristian Sossi
Hoof trimming: comparison between techniques
Gerard Cramer
Monitoring heifers to prevent lameness and have healthy feet in adult cows
Andrea Fiedler, Katharina Grimm, Charlotte Kröger
Andrea Fiedler, Katharina Grimm, Charlotte Kröger
Daniel Zalduendo, Eki González
Digital Dermatitis: AI-enhanced detection model, mobile phone apps for detection, prevention and control
Dorte Dopfer
Standardisation of Mobility Scoring
Laura Randall, Nick Bell
Hoof trimming: comparison between techniques
Gerard Cramer
Monitoring heifers to prevent lameness and have healthy feet in adult cows
Andrea Fiedler, Katharina Grimm, Charlotte Kröger
Preventing injuries in hoof trimming: the importance of Ergonomics
Daniel Zalduendo, Eki González
Digital Dermatitis: AI-enhanced detection model, mobile phone apps for detection, prevention and control
Dorte Dopfer
Standardisation of Mobility Scoring
Laura Randall, Nick Bell
Cattle handling and optimal cow flow: identify the best strategy in each farm
Irene Riviera, Cristian Sossi
Monitoring heifers to prevent lameness and have healthy feet in adult cows
Andrea Fiedler, Katharina Grimm, Charlotte Kröger
Preventing injuries in hoof trimming: the importance of Ergonomics
Daniel Zalduendo, Eki González
Digital Dermatitis: AI-enhanced detection model, mobile phone apps for detection, prevention and control
Dorte Dopfer
Standardisation of Mobility Scoring
Laura Randall,
Nick Bell
Cattle handling and optimal cow flow: identify the best strategy in each farm
Irene Riviera, Cristian Sossi
Hoof trimming: comparison between techniques
Gerard Cramer
13:15 Lunch break
Preventing injuries in hoof trimming: the importance of Ergonomics
Daniel Zalduendo, Eki González
Digital Dermatitis: AI-enhanced detection model, mobile phone apps for detection, prevention and control
Dorte Dopfer
Standardisation of Mobility Scoring
Laura Randall, Nick Bell
Cattle handling and optimal cow flow: identify the best strategy in each farm
Irene Riviera, Cristian Sossi
Hoof trimming: comparison between techniques
Gerard Cramer
Monitoring heifers to prevent lameness and have healthy feet in adult cows
Andrea Fiedler
Digital Dermatitis: AI-enhanced detection model, mobile phone apps for detection, prevention and control
Dorte Dopfer
Standardisation of Mobility Scoring
Laura Randall, Nick Bell
Cattle handling and optimal cow flow: identify the best strategy in each farm
Irene Riviera, Cristian Sossi
Hoof trimming: comparison between techniques
Gerard Cramer
Monitoring heifers to prevent lameness and have healthy feet in adult cows
Andrea Fiedler, Katharina Grimm, Charlotte Kröger
Preventing injuries in hoof trimming: the importance of Ergonomics
Daniel Zalduendo, Eki González
16:30 End of the workshop
16:30 Return to Venice by bus – Estimated arrival at 18:00







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